Laser Scanning & 3D Building Modeling
We use the Leica BLK360
The Leica BLK360 does a great job at laser scanning, building point clouds to make 3d models, and measuring with accuracy. It also provides 300°x360° HDR Panoramic pictures, and 70°x360° IR pictures. Check below for pictures, and descriptions to find out more information.
Above is the regular setting of a 360° picture, and the HDR image. Showing the differences, and allows for better information to come from both sources.
The above pictures, are of the point cloud. The laser is able to pick up colors, and can make a virtual reality walkthrough possible. This is unfiltered, or edited. You can run processing programs to ‘clean up’ the clouds, and make it much better, but the raw information allows you to see the initial result. There are also programs that can create a 'watertight mesh’ out of the cloud points, and then put the pictures on top as a texture. This is a bit more advanced and time intensive than we are able to provide at the moment, but is being introduced when we are able to guarantee the work, and turnaround time.
Here is a fly through with the program used to process the point cloud, and other files. I stop on two occasions to allow for it to load in more of the points, and allow for better visualization of how much information is available in the scan. Each blue dot you see floating, is the locations where a scan was made. You can click on them and see the 360° pictures, IR scans, and the point cloud when opening the E57 file, using the free Leica Truviewer, or the licensed version of Cyclone Register 360.
This shows how useful the point cloud can be. If you need to draw new as built plans, this is able to provide the walls, as well as furniture locations. The drop ceiling portion can also show the tile placements, lights, sprinkler heads, exit lights, etc. They can be used to draw electrical plugin locations, data hookups, as well as the window, and door elevations.
This is the point cloud in AutoCAD. It is the correct size, and measurements as if it was in person. It allows for actual measurements shown on screen to be relayed on plans, purchase requests, etc. This also allows you to have drawings made of the blueprints, drop ceiling, and more.
Lastly, here are the IR scans. As you can see, it is able to determine different temperatures fairly well, and can be tweaked in the settings to provide a better visual and wider temperature differences. These can be used to find AC leaks, as well as equipment that are heat transferring through walls. This is more of a setting that is a freebie, and not a specific service we offer. We cannot guarantee it will show all issues, or find specific issues. They come along with the 360° pictures in the E57 file. They are not part of the pictures alone due to being part of the scan setup alongside of the cloud points.
File Types Provided by BLK360
-E57 Lider File
-LGS File
-PTG File
-PTS File
-RCP File
-RCS File
-BLK File
-PDF Report