Residential Fire Extinguishers

All residential locations can benefit from having a fire extinguisher.

To learn about the locations to install just scroll below pie chart, & the types of extinguishers are at the bottom of the page.

In 2017 23.9% of all fires were residential. Below is a list of those causes:

Causes of Residential Fires (2017)

For more information, go to

Suggested locations to install a fire extinguisher include:

  • Kitchen (K Class Suggested)

Most residential fires start in the kitchen. While most kitchen fires involve grease, they cannot be put out with water. K class extinguishers are designed specifically for vegetable/animal oils and fat grease fires. Because the flash point is usually high, they also burn extremely hot. The installation for an extinguisher in the kitchen, should be in egress from the kitchen, but also within a safe distance from the oven. Leaving easy access without putting yourself in danger to put out the fire.

  • Garage/workshop (Carbon Dioxide or 10/20 lb ABC Suggested)

    Garages are the normal locations to store paint, motor oil, gas, and other flammable liquids, as well as object storage that could lead to a dangerous situation. Workshops can also lead to sparks, or other heat sources that can cause fires. In order to alleviate the danger, a large enough extinguisher can be utilized, and help with any fires that may occur. A Carbon Dioxide extinguisher would be useful when welding, or working on cars, because it does not leave behind a powdery residue. When large amounts of gas/flammable liquids can be an issue, larger extinguishers such as a 10 lb, or 20 lb ABC is useful, but Purple K extinguishers are more effective.

  • Patio/Grill (5/10 lb ABC Suggested)

    Patios are often used for grilling, or for viewing fire works and other situations where fires could occur. If you are using the patio to grill, it is suggested to have the grill and extinguisher separated, but still within a safe distance to utilize without putting others in danger. If you set off your own fireworks, or have bonfires (large bonfires should have bigger extinguishers), there is always the chance that they could get out of control, or cause fires that could pose a danger. Keeping an extinguisher on the patio could be the difference between an interesting story to tell, and an unhappy outcome. (If you have one outside, get a cover to help alleviate the weather, or sun damage to unit)

  • Laundry Room (5 LB ABC, or Carbon Dioxide Suggested)

    Laundry rooms can be a dangerous source of fires. These are usually caused by the accumulation of lint, inside of the dryer lint trap, the dryer’s exhaust, the connection between the dryer and the exhaust in the wall, or the actual exhaust in the wall, leading to outside.The dryer lint trap should be cleaned every load of laundry, and the rest should be cleaned at least every 6 months, even up to once every week/month if you do large amounts of laundry.

  • Sources of heat (5 lb abc, or carbon dioxide suggested)

    Heaters during the cold nights (yes, even those ‘Amish Fireplaces’), furnaces, fireplaces, different appliances, or equipment for in-home businesses can also be a fire hazard. Use this information to your advantage, to have a safe home.

  • Each Floor (Inside Cabinet 5 lb suggested)

    Having an extinguisher on each floor can help the egress for your family. If you choose to install an extinguisher, it is highly suggested to also install a partially recessed cabinet. This will alleviate the danger of running into it, and knocking it off the hook, or possibly hurting someone by landing on their feet, or a child. If you choose to put them inside of a closet or out of sight, due to anxiety, or it being hidden during an actual emergency. this can hinder the utilization of the extinguisher.

  • Bedrooms (5 lb Suggested)

    Although this may seem like overkill, it is also useful to keep an extinguisher inside of your bedroom. Due to the panic, anxiety, and low lighting conditions at night, having a fire extinguisher with you as you gather your family to escape, can mean a world of difference if a fire is blocking your path.